Tax Resolution w/ Mike Carlson, CPA
Statistical Sampling
IRS Experience - Statistical Sampling Coordinator - responsible for providing technical guidance regarding statistical sampling to CASs throughout the Western region (8 western states including Alaska and Hawaii).
Focusing on leading and training other CASs in the design of IRS statistical samples, interpreting taxpayer samples, and promoting the use of statistical sampling techniques both within the IRS and by taxpayers and their representatives.
PwC and Deloitte Experiences - design and evaluation of client samples along with the FIN 48 evaluation of other firms' samples and the review of IRS samples.
Journal of Taxation - October, 2011 - Shop Talk Column - "New Revenue Procedure on Statistical Sampling"
Journal of Taxation - August, 2010 - Shop Talk Column - "The Service's Field Directive on Sampling"



​Tools - SAS, R, VBA, Excel, Access​