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Mike Carlson

Over 3 years as a Senior Manager - Tax with Deloitte building a world-wide sampling practice by hiring seasoned professionals in India; 4 years as a Tax Manager with PricewaterhouseCoopers "PwC" and over 30 years of IRS experience.


Leveraged own Computer Audit Specialist "CAS" experience at the IRS in statistical sampling and data analysis to serve clients across the world.


Developed PwC's "CAS" service offering to shepherd clients through the IRS examination process by more effectively managing the flow of data to the IRS in response to their requests.  Served as liaison with and buffer between the client and their IRS Exam Team negotiating more realistic and reasonable requests from the IRS while limiting client exposure and reducing risk. 

IRS - Lead CAS and statistical sampling coordinator.  Specialized in providing technical guidance regarding data processing and analysis and statistical sampling to CASs throughout the Western region.  Focus on leading and training other CASs in the building of tools to process and analyze large data files, coordinating, evaluating, and designing IRS statistical samples, interpreting taxpayer samples, and promoting the use of statistical sampling techniques within the IRS, amongst Big-4 firms and taxpayers in general.


Systems analysis, design and programming necessary to provide accounting data in a form useful to a tax audit team.
Statistical Sampling Consulting Applied to Tax, Auditing and Accounting.
Federal Tax auditor of corporations, partnerships, sole-proprietorships and individuals.
Federal Tax Law Instructor.

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